


2011-06-23 16:22:24
建筑涂料; 乳胶漆; 聚酯漆; 地坪漆; 氟碳漆
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基本投资额: 5-10万
产品定位: 不限
加盟商总数: 不限
预计回报率: 50%
项目区域要求: 全国
发展模式: 经销, 区域代理, 区域开发, 二级特许
经营模式: 经销, 代理, 特许, 合作, 自由连锁
企业年份: 暂不详
预计回报周期: 1年
店面要求: 不限
保证金额: 1元
特许权使用费: 3元
特许经营时间: 不限
品牌发源地: 广东顺德


选择国际品牌的理由 Select the reason Conway Brand
1. 国际化品牌、雄厚的实力,广泛的国际背景,新颖的品牌策略,优质的产品和服务。公司将投入巨大的人力、物力、财力,尽显强者风范。
·二大突破: 1. 绝对环保,为您的家庭营造全天候森林环境。革命性地将安全无毒性能提升5倍,做到真正的健康,真正的环保!
2. 采用国际一流的生产工艺,低温成膜、耐黄变、高温不回粘三大技术引领行业潮流!
·三大优势: 1. 政策优势:公司构建了科学的销售网络架构,制定了良好的价格体系,并严格进行市场控制与指导,确保区域市场独家经销。
2. 技术服务优势:公司拥有严格的国际质量保证体系和完善的服务、为您提供售前、售中、售后一条龙全文件服务支持,至善至美,保证您全程无忧。
3. 创新专卖店渠道及国际化管理模式:统一专卖店形象,通过ISO9001、ISO14001及各种权威认证。
·四大理念: 1. 企业经营理念:诚信、互利、团队、创新
2. 企业精神:环保、效率、发展
3. 企业服务理念:全心全意,全员参与,全程无忧
4. 企业座右铭:思路决定出路
·五大支持: 1. 配套物品:为您提供企业画册、产品手册、工程投标书、专卖店作业指导书、市场推广指导书、手提袋、色卡、千色卡、各类样板、宣传单张、海报、VCD 碟片等产品信息配套物品,以及T恤、太阳帽、铲刀、滚筒涂料刷等系列促销物品,并且向各加盟商提供报纸平面广告(软性文章、硬性广告方案等),专卖店、店中店、路牌、灯箱等全套平面设计及制作方案,并提供专卖店、店中店套的货架、样板架、资料架、灯箱等专用品,公司专卖店统一形象、统一装修。
2. 经营指导:为每位经销商提供强有力的营销推广支持,销售人员行业知识培训和销售技巧培训,销售网络的建设、布控、拓展,终端展示物料的制作及方 案,售场系统的控制和维持以及营业员的专业素质综合培训等。
3. 经营企划:我们将利用人才优势、网络优势,协助加盟商在本区域内进行深度分销,协助制定一地一策的市场运作模式和全套的推进方案,并组织运作模式的经验交流。
4. 立体广告:中央、地方、终端三级广告发布立体支持,制定“中央广告、地方 广告”的投入计划,以及在各省权威性报刊媒体刊登一系列产品信息及金牌形象广告,并加大终端硬广告(户外广告、POP)和终端软性广告的投资力度,确保公司品牌具有良好的知名度和美誉度。
5. 促销造势:公司将定期在各区域举办各种促销活动和发放各种宣传物品、并针对涂装进行专门的培训,确保您的业绩稳步增长,别开生面的公开造势活动,使康威产品形成社会大众及新闻媒体关注的焦点,进一步提升产品的认知度、美誉度,引导消费者积极购买,确保您销售总量的不断提高。

* A major brand:
1. International brand, a strong, broad international background, the new brand strategy, quality products and services. Conway will invest enormous human, material and financial resources, show the strong style.
* Two major breakthroughs: 1. Is environmentally friendly, all-weather for your family to create a forest environment. Revolutionary performance will be safe and nontoxic 5 times, to be truly healthy, the real green!
2. With world-class production technology, low temperature film formation, yellowing resistance, high temperature does not return to lead the industry trend of adhesive technology of three!
* Three advantages: 1. Policy advantages: Conway paint sales network build a scientific framework to develop a good price system, and strictly carry out market control and guidance to ensure that the regional market exclusive distribution.
2. Technical Service advantages: Conway paint with stringent international quality guarantee system and perfect service, to provide you with pre-sale, sale, sale and stop all file services support, goodness and beauty, to ensure that your whole mind.
3. Innovation shops channels and international management model: a unified store image, through the ISO9001, ISO14001 and various certification authority.
* Four concepts: 1. Business philosophy: integrity, mutual benefit, teamwork, innovation
2. Entrepreneurial spirit: environmental protection, efficiency, development
3. Enterprise Service concept: dedicated, full participation, full worry
4. Motto: ideas determine
* Five support: 1. Matching items: to provide you with business book, product manuals, project proposals, store operating instructions, marketing guide book, bag, color cards, thousands of colored cards, all kinds of templates, leaflets , posters, VCD discs and other product information matching items, and T-shirt, sun hat, blade, roller, paint brush, and other promotional items, and to all join to provide a newspaper print ads (soft paper, hard advertising programs, etc.) , store, store shops, road signs, light boxes, such as full graphic design and production programs and provide stores, store shop sets of shelves, model planes, data frame, light boxes and other special items, company stores unified image decoration .
2. Operational guidance: for each dealer to provide strong marketing support, sales staff training and industry knowledge, sales skills training, sales network construction, dispatched, development, production of the terminal display materials and programs, the sale of field control of the system and maintenance, and sales staff of professional quality integrated training.
3. Business Plan: We will use the personnel, the network edge to help franchisees depth distribution in the region to help develop a strategy to market a full range of forward mode of operation and program mode of operation and the organization of exchange of experience.
4. Three-dimensional advertising: central, local, end three-dimensional advertising support, development of "central advertising, local advertising," the investment plan, and published in the print media in the provinces authoritative information on a range of products and gold image of the ad, and to increase the terminal Hard advertising (outdoor advertising, POP) and terminal soft advertising investment, to ensure that WellPoint, the brand has a good reputation and popularity.
5. Promotion rally: Conway coating will organize regular regional promotions and pay all kinds of publicity materials, and specialized training for the coating to ensure that your steady growth, spectacular public rallies, so Conway product formation, and the public focus of the news media to further enhance product awareness, reputation, and guide consumers to actively buy, make sure your total sales volume continues to increase.



合 作 条 件 Conditions for cooperation
* Cities franchisees:
Required to have more than 20 million working capital, operating stores of more than 30 square meters. More than 10 full-time sales staff, to set up 10 more in the local network and the second group of 20 or more users should have no less than 100 square meters of warehouses, the first year of sales of not less than 120 million (in 3 open during the month, the monthly sales to reach 10 million or more), capital city of not less than 1.5 million yuan in the first year and must be approached with a small engineering and operational level. Must have good business reputation in the industry have a better reputation, has a strong brand awareness and can identify with Conway corporate culture and business philosophy, and cooperation with the manufacturers to open stores, chain stores, and has a strong logistics conditions , promptly sent to Conway's products to customers.
* District franchisees:
Required to have more than 10 million working capital requirements, operating stores of more than 20 square meters. 5 or more full-time sales staff, to build five more in the local network and the second group of 10 or more users should have no less than 80 square meters of warehouses, sales in the first year shall not be less than 60 million (in 3 open during the month, the monthly sales to reach 70,000 or more), and must be approached with a small engineering and operational level. Must have good business reputation in the industry have a better reputation, has a strong brand awareness and can identify with Conway corporate culture and business philosophy, and has the basic logistics conditions, timely product Conway sent to the customer.


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